
General Info

Common Questions About Mesothelioma

Asbestos-related illnesses, including mesothelioma, develop in the lungs or abdomen as a result of exposure to asbestos. Although symptoms may not develop for years, this exposure can cause serious, deadly diseases and cancers.  If you or a loved one is suffering from illnesses caused by asbestos exposure, or have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, filing a…

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What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

In 2016, motorcyclist deaths made up nearly 11 percent of the total motor vehicle deaths in West Virginia. Being involved in a motorcycle accident is terrifying and overwhelming. While in shock, it can be difficult to remember the steps you need to take immediately after the accident. You need to protect yourself and your rights.…

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Why Is Asbestos Dangerous?

Asbestos was used in the United States in a multitude of products for decades. While we’ve offered West Virginian’s our help filing claims on their behalf, we would like to take a moment and explain why asbestos is so dangerous. In this post, we cover almost everything about asbestos from where it comes from and…

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A Short History of Asbestos Usage

Asbestos refers to a group of naturally occurring silicate minerals, which have been mined and used as a building material for more than 4,000 years. The ancients recognized several desirable properties, especially resistance to fire, but also recorded serious and fatal health effects among miners who suffered heavy exposure. Large scale mining of asbestos began…

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Radon Poses Huge Risk To West Virginians

Naturally Occurring Gas Causes Lung Cancer Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is more prevalent in some areas of the country than in others. It’s present in the soil and is more common in West Virginia than other places due to the unique geology here. The danger with radon is that it can seep…

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Popular Weed Killer Allegedly Causes Cancer

EPA, Manufacturer At Odds With State Courts Over the years, countless people in West Virginia and across the United States have sprayed Roundup on their lawns and gardens to rid them of weeds. While the popular herbicide has long been known as an effective weed killer, it’s recently become the subject of lawsuits for its…

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Compensation for Medical Bills in West Virginia

Whiplash, broken bones, internal injuries and head trauma are a few of the common types of automobile accident injuries that require careful medical treatment and follow-up attention. When you are in the hospital or at the doctor’s office after a collision, you may wonder which of your insurance policies will foot the bill. All West…

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What Is Discovery in the Legal Process?

Discovery is an essential step in civil procedures. The discovery process gives the legal teams on both sides of a dispute the opportunity to obtain a better understanding of each side’s strengths and weaknesses before determining how to proceed. Upon reviewing the available evidence, the parties may agree that it is best to settle the…

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What Should You Expect at a Deposition?

A deposition is a witness’s sworn testimony outside of court and is a legal device used to discover and establish facts relevant to a civil case. You can be subpoenaed to testify in a deposition whether or not you are directly involved in the issue under dispute. A witness who is asked to answer questions…

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